Comedy Crime
In this whimsical French comedy, Cookie (aka Venus de Palma) is a tough, sweet little rich girl, and is rather smart, too. She's smart enough and charming enough to outwit her kidnappers by setting one against the other until they have all killed each other or died trying to prove thier worth to her.
Directed by
Nelly Kaplan
Written by
René Guyonnet, Nelly Kaplan, Claude Makovski
Catherine Allégret
Dany the Bar Waitress
Michael Lonsdale
Hippolyte the brother of Marylène
Marcel Dalio
Boudu the Tramp
Bernard Musson
Matéo Falcone
André Valardy
Luc, a Friend of Marc
Pierre Mondy
Jeannot le Corse
Sheila White
Vénus De Palma / Cookie
Sydney Chaplin
Spiro De Palma
Judith Magre
Marylène the Boss's Fiancee
Michel Bouquet
Marc the Boss
Jean-Claude Massoulier
Jean Parédès
Police Commissioner Duvalier
Jean-Jacques Pauvert
Wrong Man at the Sex-shop
Odile Grand
De Palma's Barber
Carlos Palacio
Renée Ducoudray
Bar Waitress
Laurent Bomsel

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