Crime Horror Thriller
Ed Kunkle is a convicted felon tormented by his own demons. Eve Adams is a single woman trying to cope with a tragic loss. Bodie Jameson is the detective looking for answers. All 3 lives intertwine with horrific consequences when their fears come upon them.
Directed by
Joaquin Montalvan
Written by
Eunice Font, Joaquin Montalvan
Katherine Norland
Suzy Jameson
Charlotte Bjornbak
Alina Bolshakova
Liv (as Alina)
Char Frost
Gavin Graham
Young Ed
Dennis Haggard
Father Michael
Theresa Holly
Graciela Alvarez
Teem Lucas
Eve Adams
Timothy John Norland
Baby Timothy
Patrick Prouty
Micki Quance
Paul E. Respass
Ed Kunkle
Randi Vaughn

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