Animation Comedy TV Movie
'Tis the season to be cool, as Beavis and Butt-Head star in their own twisted version of two holiday classics. The ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future struggle to teach a Scrooge-like Beavis the true meaning of Christmas, while Charlie the angel comes down from heaven to show Butt-head how much better life would be without him. Will Beavis and Butt-Head learn their lesson? Does a snowflake have a chance in hell?
Directed by
Mike de Seve, Mike Judge
Written by
David Giffen, Kristofor Brown, Guy Maxtone-Graham, David Felton
Tracy Grandstaff
Daria Morgendorffer / Mrs. Stevenson / Cassandra (voice)
Chris Phillips
Charlie (voice)
Adam Welsh
Stewart Stevenson (voice)
Jennifer Jane Emerson
Additional Voices (voice)
Christian Hali
Additional Voices (voice)
David Giffen

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