Adventure Drama
Through the streets of Jerusalem two teenagers' stories will unite to tell the summer adventure of their lives. Tamar is an amazingly talented but very quiet and insecure girl, who leaves behind her home and all she knows, changing herself unrecognizably -from her looks to her attitude- to brace herself for a dangerous mission to help a loved-one. Asaf, a clumsy, naive, and very shy boy working a boring summer job at City Hall, is given quite a mission himself : to take an uncontrollable stray dog from the pound, put it on a leash, and let it lead him back to its owners to be fined. The more stories Asaf hears about this extraordinary girl, the more he falls for her, and as he and Dinkah continue their journey Asaf becomes aware that Tamar is in grave danger.
Directed by
Oded Davidoff
Written by
Noah Stollman
Tzahi Grad
Gabi Amrani
Avraham Danoch
Luca Barbareschi
Efraim Shamir
Guitar Shop Employee
Zohar Shtrauss
Pizzeria Guy
Danny Steg
Tzahi (Karnaf)
Bar Belfer
Yonatan Bar-Or
Rinat Matatov
Neomi Polani
Rami Davidoff
Miriam Gavrieli
Pesach's Mother
Smadar Jaaron

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