Drama Thriller
Yuki is a 2nd year high school student. She volunteers at a paediatrics ward for her summer vacation, because she wants to witness the moment a person dies. She got that thought after feeling envious of a transfer student's story of seeing a friend's dead body. Yuki has friend named Atsuko. She was bullied in the past and has anxiety issues. She volunteers at a nursing home for her summer vacation, hoping that she will gain courage if she sees the moment a person dies.
Directed by
Yukiko Mishima
Makino Hikaru
Tsubasa Honda
Yuki Sakurai
Goro Inagaki
Mizuki Yamamoto
Atsuko Kurano
Ryo Sato
Shiori Takizawa
Kazuko Shirakawa
Masayo Mizumori
Maiko Kawakami
Shizuka Ishibashi
Daikichi Sugawara
Kazuya Kojima
Kazuki Ogura
Fusako Urabe
Gin Pun Chou

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