Animation Sci-Fi Action
After managing to survive attacks by Zeon's Char Aznable and Garma Zabi, the crew of Federation warship White Base and its mobile suits must battle Zeon forces through Asia, Europe, and the Atlantic Ocean if they are to reach Earth Federation's headquarters alive. During that process many of its crewmembers must overcome their fears, losses, immaturities, and insecurities in order to survive.
Directed by
Yoshikazu Yasuhiko, Osamu Sekita, Yoshiyuki Tomino
Keiko Toda
Matilda Ajan (voice)
Kaneto Shiozawa
Ma Kube (voice)
Toru Furuya
Amuro Ray (voice)
Kiyonobu Suzuki
Hayato Kobayashi (voice)
Fuyumi Shiraishi
Mirai Yashima (voice)
Shozo Iizuka
Ryû Jose (voice)
Masashi Hirose
Ramba Ral (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Bright Noa (voice)
Shuichi Ikeda
Char Aznable (voice)
Toshio Furukawa
Kai Shiden (voice)
Rumiko Ukai
Fraw Bow (voice)
Yumi Nakatani
Hamon Ral (voice)
Yasuo Matsumura
Admiral Revil (voice)
Yō Inoue
Sayla Mass / Kikka Kitamoto (voice)

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