Crime Drama
Vitya is a teenage rock-music and motorbike fanatic whose father is arrested for embezzlement. Vitya is devastated, and in this state of shock he falls prey to a supposed mystic called Cassius.
Directed by
Savva Kulish
Written by
Savva Kulish
Antonina Dmitrieva
Mariya Stepanovna
Valentin Nikulin
Dmitriy Ivanovich's Friend
Boris Khmelnitsky
Dmitriy Ivanovich's Friend
Tatyana Lavrova
Aleksey Maslov
Albert Filozov
Dmitriy Ivanovich's Friend
Yuri Lazarev
Dmitry Bodrov
Aleksei Shkatov
Viktor Bodrov
Olga Alyoshina
Lena Kozlova
Sergey Letov
Sergei Karlenkov

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