Fantasy Drama Romance
A fantasy romance set in 19th century France. The film revolves around Sobran, a young peasant winemaker, and the three important figures in his life - his beautiful wife Celeste, baroness Aurora de Valday and an angel named Xas.
Directed by
Niki Caro
Written by
Niki Caro, Joan Scheckel
Vera Farmiga
Aurora de Valday
Keisha Castle-Hughes
as Celeste
Gaspard Ulliel
The Angel Xas
Lizzie Brocheré
Eric Godon
Father Lesy
Jérémie Renier
Sobran Jodeau
François Beukelaers
Chief Winemaker
Stephane Garneau-Monten
Young Soldier
Vania Vilers
Jodeau Senior
Patrice Valota
Comte de Vully
Jean-Louis Sbille
Juliette Mariotte
Baby Sabine
Finn Van Mell
Baby Nicolette
Jean-François Klein

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