Action Animation Sci-Fi
Dr. Gero's Androids #13, #14, and #15 are awakened by the laboratory computers and immediately head to the mall where Goku is shopping. After Goku, Trunks, and Vegeta defeat #14 and #15, #13 absorbs their inner computers and becomes a super being greater than the original three separately were. Now it is up to Goku to stop him.
Directed by
Daisuke Nishio
Mayumi Tanaka
Kuririn (voice)
Kohei Miyauchi
Muten Roshi (voice)
Toshio Furukawa
Piccolo (voice)
Masako Nozawa
Son Goku / Son Gohan (voice)
Ryo Horikawa
Vegeta (voice)
Kazuyuki Sogabe
Android 13 (voice)
Takeshi Kusao
Future Trunks (voice)
Hisao Egawa
Android 14 (voice)
Naoko Watanabe
Puar (voice)
Koji Yada
Dr. Gero (voice)
Toshio Kobayashi
Android 15 (voice)

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