Sci-Fi Thriller Drama Horror
After a herd of reindeer are mysteriously found dead following a meteor crash in a remote part of Lapland in northern Sweden, soldiers and a geologist are called out to investigate.
Directed by
Virgil W. Vogel
John Carradine
Narrator (US Re-Edit)
Robert Burton
Dr. Frederick Wilson
Åke Grönberg
Dr. Henrik
Barbara Wilson
Diane Wilson
Steve Conte
American Radio Supervisor #2 (US TV version) (uncredited)
Bengt Blomgren
Col. Robert Bottiger
Katherine Victor
Diane's Mother (US TV version) (uncredited)
Sten Gester
Erik Engström
Gösta Prüzelius
Dr. Walter Ullman
Doreen Denning
Anna (uncredited)
Ittla Frodi
Girlfriend in Volvo (uncredited)
Brita Borg
Singer (uncredited)
Lars Åhrén
The Monster (uncredited)
Fred Hoffman
Doctor (US TV version) (uncredited)
G.J. Mitchell
Diane's Psychiatrist (US TV version) (uncredited)
Chuck Niles
Second Doctor (US TV version) (uncredited)

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