Drama Crime
Roy Walsh is a brash and enterprising thug who bullies his friends into subservience. He and his gang assault and rob people on the street, but things get increasingly dangerous when their behavior escalates to larger crimes.
Directed by
Lewis Gilbert
Written by
Lewis Gilbert, Vernon Harris
Joan Collins
Rene Collins
Laurence Naismith
Inspector Donaldson
Sid James
Desk Sergeant
Hermione Baddeley
Mrs. Collins
Johnny Briggs
Skinny Johnson
Robert Ayres
Bob Stevens
Hermione Gingold
Nosher Powell
Instructor (uncredited)
Peter Swanwick
Mr. Wimbush (uncredited)
James Kenney
Roy Walsh
Toke Townley
Mr. 'Smith' (uncredited)
Arthur Howard
Registrar (uncredited)
Frederick Piper
Mr. Easter (uncredited)
Sean Lynch
Walter Hudd
Magistrate (uncredited)
Cameron Hall
Mr. Beverley
Betty Ann Davies
Elsie Walsh
Stanley Escane
Michael McKeag
Edward Evans
Vi Kaley
Jess (uncredited)
Anthony Oliver
Doctor (uncredited)
Bruce Walker

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