Adventure Animation Comedy Family TV Movie
A harried prehistoric bird mother entrusts her precious, soon-to-hatch egg to Sid. When she recommends him to her neighbours, business booms at his new egg-sitting service. However, dastardly pirate bunny, Squint, who is seeking revenge on the herd, steals, camouflages and hides all the eggs. Once again, with Squint’s twin brother assisting, Manny, Diego and the rest of the gang come to the rescue and take off on a daring mission that turns into the world’s first Easter egg hunt.
Directed by
Ricardo Curtis
Seann William Scott
Crash (voice)
Keke Palmer
Peaches (voice)
Taraji P. Henson
Ethel (voice)
John Leguizamo
Sid (voice)
Ray Romano
Manny (voice)
Seth Green
Squint (voice)
Denis Leary
Diego (voice)
Queen Latifah
Ellie (voice)
Gabriel Iglesias
Cholly Bear (voice)
Josh Peck
Eddie (voice)
Chris Wedge
Scrat (voice)
Blake Anderson
Clint (voice)
Wendy Williams
Condor Mom (voice)
Lili Estefan
Gladys Glypto (voice)

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