Comedy Romance
An artist has an opportunity to go to Paris and wants to bring his fiancee along. However, she's a psychiatrist who currently has three female patients who don't like men. So, he guises himself as three different men to gauge their trust and hopefully cure them so that his fiancee can go with him.
Directed by
Jerry Lewis
Janet Leigh
Dr Elizabeth Acord
James Best
Dr. Ben Mizer
Leslie Parrish
Mary Lou Mauve
Jerry Lewis
Christopher Pride / Warren / Ringo / Rutherford / Heather
Kathleen Freeman
Eddie Ryder
Gene LeBell
Fritz Feld
The Attaché
Mary Ann Mobley
Susan Manning
Buddy Lester
Amadee Chabot
Lingerie Model
Gila Golan
Anna Jacque
Jesslyn Fax
Rich Lady
Renzo Cesana
The Ambassador

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