Adventure Action Drama
In 1971, air-conditioner repairman and boat enthusiast Jim McCormick entertains his desire to 'go down' as a legend in the record books when the Gold Cup hydroplane boat race improbably comes to his small town of Madison, Indiana. Immediately, Jim seizes his opportunity to enter the contest. With a motley crew of fellow mechanics and friends at his side, Jim fixes up his old boat and brings hope to the blighted industrial city. Written by Sujit R. Varma
Directed by
Bill Bindley
Written by
Bill Bindley, Scott Bindley
Brie Larson
Racing Girl #2
Bruce Dern
Harry Volpi
Jim Caviezel
Jim McCormick
Reed Diamond
Skip Naughton
Matt Letscher
Mary McCormack
Bonnie McCormick
Chelcie Ross
Roger Epperson
Jake Lloyd
Mike McCormick
Paul Dooley
Mayor Don Vaughn
Brent Briscoe
Tony Steinhardt
John Mellencamp
Adult Mike McCormick (voice)
Richard Lee Jackson
Buddy Johnson
Carl Amari
Mark Fauser
Chris Dennis
Len Foley

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