Action Adventure Drama Thriller TV Movie
Liz McAdams is haunted by the memories of a tornado that destroyed her home 25 years ago. Now a professional storm tracker, she and her family are in danger once again as another devastating twister rapidly gains momentum. Caught in the path of destruction, Liz and her estranged husband struggle to save those they love...
Directed by
Andrew C. Erin
Written by
Andrew C. Erin, Aaron Kim Johnston
Meredith Monroe
Liz McAdams
Cameron Bancroft
Matt McAdams
Shaun Benson
Garry Chalk
Vince Johnson
Eileen Pedde
Jess McLeod
Young Liz
Christine Chatelain
Duncan Fraser
Hank Wilson
Emma Karwandy
Young Ellie
Pascale Hutton
Ellie Wilson
Derek Green
Doug Mitchell
Keith Martin Gordey
Frank Fry
Rachel Pattee
Becky McAdams
Ashley Michaels
Mark Pawson
Young Hank
Ashley Harry
Young Nora
Peter Abrams
Brad Williams
Dean Jenkins

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