Action Drama Romance
An aspiring country singer, whose money is disappearing faster than his career opportunities, enters a "Tough Man" amateur boxing contest to earn some cash to pay his bills. Amazingly enough, he wins it, and is picked to go onto the national finals. He's torn between his first love, music, and the glitz, glamor and money of the "Tough Man" world.
Directed by
Richard Fleischer
Written by
John Leone
Dennis Quaid
Art Long
Bruce McGill
Tony Fallon
Pam Grier
Wilford Brimley
Bill Long
Stan Shaw
P.T. Coolidge
Warren Oates
James Neese
Fran Ryan
Gert Long
Carlene Watkins
Caroline Long
Lyle Kanouse
Detroit Ring Judge (uncredited)
John McKee
Detroit Fan
Big John Hamilton
Big John
Christopher Norris
Christopher Long
Terra Perry
Wet T-Shirt Girl
Steve Ward
Heckler in Torreyson's
Susan Benn
Girl in Torreyson's
Mark Edson
Janitor in Torreyson's
Steve 'Monk' Miller
Tigran Baldasarian
Rod Kieschnick
Gregor Samsa
Preston Salisbury
Ike Kennedy
Darryl Poafpybitty
Mad Dog Redfeather
Tino Zaragoza
Mando Chandovar
Doug Lord
Detroit - First Referee
Bob Watson
Detroit - Second Referee
Jackie Kallen
Detroit Corner Girl
Michael Brown
Television Talkshow Host
Darlene O'Hara
Mrs. Wall
Domenico Seminara
Restaurant Maitre 'D
Paul Heckmann
Tough Guy (uncredited)

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