Mystery Crime Thriller
After three men are convicted of bank robberies, Charlie becomes suspicious. After some investigation Charlie finds the men are innocent and that the fingerprint evidence used to convict them had been forged. Charlie then proceeds to find the true bank robbers.
Directed by
Phil Karlson
John Eldredge
Anthony Morgan
Ray Walker
George Holmes
Hugh Kenzie
Benson Fong
Tommy Chan
George Eldredge
Edward Earle
Thomas Harley
Anthony Warde
Jimmy Slade
Sidney Toler
Charlie Chan
Tim Ryan
Mantan Moreland
Birmingham Brown
Joyce Compton
Emily Evans
Russell Hicks
Warden Cameron
Milton Parsons
Ben Carter
Benjamin Brown
Janet Shaw
Miss Petrie
Edna Holland
Mrs. Foss
Teala Loring
June Harley
Meyer Grace

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