Drama Thriller
When a film student and her two friends go to Kern County to shoot a documentary, they stumble upon a mysterious family and learn why Pandora's box should never have been opened.
Directed by
Harvey Lowry
Written by
Neil Blakemore, Ken Sax
Sydney Sweeney
Kelsey Connors
Christopher Rich
Donald Connors
René Ashton
Lorainne Pretti
Stan Shaw
Randy Wayne
Collin Jenkins
Lisa Long
Mary Connors
Nikki Moore
Stelio Savante
Truck Driver
Michael Nardelli
Mitch Pretti
Norman Lehnert
Sean H. Scully
Jamison Connors
Thyme Lewis
Mr. Grey
Mary Anthony
Stage Manager
David Jones-Roberts
Trent Polish
Valerie Loughboro

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