Comedy Romance War
Greek Sea, World War II. An Italian ship leaves a handful of soldiers in a little island; their mission is to spot enemy ships and to hold the island in case of attack. The village of the island seems abandoned and there isn't a single enemy in sight, so the soldiers begin to relax a little. Things change when their ship is hit and destroyed by the enemy, and the soldiers find themselves abandoned there.
Directed by
Gabriele Salvatores
Claudio Bisio
Corrado Noventa
Vana Barba
Antonio Catania
Lt. Carmelo La Rosa
Diego Abatantuono
Sgt. Nicola Lo Russo
Gigio Alberti
Eliseo Strazzabosco
Ugo Conti
Luciano Colasanti
Giuseppe Cederna
Antonio Farina
Luigi Montini
Orthodox priest
Irene Grazioli
Claudio Bigagli
Lt. Raffaele Montini
Vasco Mirandola
Felice Munaron
Memo Dini
Libero Munaron

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