Drama History
They loved each other with the ardor of thirteen-year-old boys. Rebellion and curiosity, hopes and doubts, girls and dreams of glory – they shared it all. Paul was rich, Emile poor. They went skinny-dipping, drank absinthe, starved, only to overeat. Sketched models by day, caressed them by night... Now, Paul is a painter and Emile a writer. Glory has passed Paul by. But Emile has it all: fame, money, the perfect wife, whom Paul once loved. They judge each other, admire each other, confront each other. They lose touch, meet up again, like a couple who cannot stop loving each other.
Directed by
Danièle Thompson
Written by
Danièle Thompson
Freya Mavor
Guillaume Canet
Emile Zola
Isabelle Candelier
Emilie Zola
Alice Pol
Alexandrine Zola
Guillaume Gallienne
Paul Cézanne
Déborah François
Hortense Cézanne
Gérard Meylan
Louis-Auguste Cézanne
Laurent Stocker
Ambroise Vollard
Romain Lancry
Anchille Emperaire
Flore Babled
Angèle Baille
Félicien Juttner
Guy de Maupassant
Sabine Azéma
Elisabeth Cézanne
Pierre Yvon
Batistin Baille
Romain Cottard
Camille Pissarro

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