Sci-Fi Adventure Horror
When a space probe crash-lands on a far-flung Pacific atoll, the craft's alien stowaways decide to take over their new world one creature at a time. Soon, the parasitic life forms latch onto three indigenous critters -- a squid, a crab and a snapping turtle -- and transform them into colossal mutant monsters.
Directed by
Ishirō Honda
Akira Kubo
Taro Kudo
Yū Fujiki
Promotion Division Manager (uncredited)
Yoshio Tsuchiya
Dr. Kyoichi Mida
Kenji Sahara
Makoto Obata
Yukiko Kobayashi
Saki, native girl
Sachio Sakai
The Editor (uncredited)
Haruo Nakajima
Rinsaku Ogata
Islander (uncredited)
Chōtarō Tōgin
Yokoyama, an agent (uncredited)
Shigeo Katô
Islander (uncredited)
Tetsu Nakamura
Chieftain Ombo
Atsuko Takahashi
Ayako Hoshino
Noritake Saito
Rico, the guide (uncredited)
Wataru Ōmae
Sakura (uncredited)
Yukihiko Gondô
Islander (uncredited)
Yûko Sugihara
Stewardess (uncredited)
Haruyoshi Nakamura

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