Sci-Fi Animation Action
In 2046, many aspects of life are carried out on a virtual network. No matter how advanced the time becomes, however, bullying never disappears. Haruyuki is one of the bullied students. However, one day he is contacted by Kuroyukihime, the most famous person in the school. "Wouldn't you like to 'accelerate' and go further ahead, boy?" Haruyuki is introduced to the "Accel World" and decides to fight as Kuroyukihime's knight.
Directed by
Masakazu Obara
Ayako Kawasumi
Kakei Mihaya
Yuki Kaji
Arita Haruyuki
Takahiro Sakurai
Blue Knight
Aya Endo
Kurasaki Fuuko
Kana Ueda
Himi Akira
Aki Toyosaki
Kurashima, Chiyuri
Rina Hidaka
Kouzuki Yuniko
Shintaro Asanuma
Mayuzumi, Takumu
Chinatsu Akasaki
Tsukiori Risa
Takaya Kuroda
Green Grandee
Sachika Misawa

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