Drama Romance
Russian exiles in Paris plot to collect ten million pounds from the Bank of England by grooming a destitute, suicidal girl to pose as heir to the Russian throne. While Bounin is coaching her, he comes to believe that she is really Anastasia. In the end, the Empress must decide her claim.
Directed by
Anatole Litvak
Ingrid Bergman
Anna Koreff / Anastasia
Yul Brynner
General Sergei Pavlovich Bounine
Natalie Schafer
Irina Lissemskaia / Nini
Akim Tamiroff
Boris Adreivich Chernov
Martita Hunt
Baroness Elena von Livenbaum
Felix Aylmer
Helen Hayes
Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna
Ivan Desny
Prince Paul von Haraldberg
Katherine Kath
Sacha Pitoëff
Piotr Ivanovich Petrovin
Karl Stepanek
Mikhail Vlados
Ina De La Haye
Grégoire Gromoff

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