Drama Romance
A musical romantic movie exploring the journey that ensues when the blue blooded boy Inder, "Who wanted to love no one" crosses paths with Saru, "Whom no one wanted to love". All their lives they were waiting to meet, but they just didn't know it . A musical tale of love , longing and loss. Sanam Teri Kasam - A Love story sealed with a Curse.
Directed by
Radhika Rao, Vinay Sapru
Harshvardhan Rane
Inder Parihar
Murali Sharma
Inspector Hari Nikam
Anurag Sinha
Vijay Raaz
Mustakeen Bhai
Manish Chaudhary
Sudesh Berry
Inder's father
Rushad Rana
Mawra Hocane
Saraswati Parthasarthy

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