Action Animation Comedy Drama Fantasy Mystery Horror
Rai wakes up from 820-years long sleep and starts his new life as a student in a high school founded by his loyal servant, Frankenstein. But his peaceful days with other human students are soon interrupted by mysterious attackers known as the "Unions".
Directed by
Shunsuke Tada, Kenichi Matsuzawa
Daisuke Hirakawa
Frankenstein (voice)
Tasuku Hatanaka
Yusuke Tashiro (voice)
Hitomi Nabatame
Marie (voice)
Toru Okawa
Jake (voice)
Tarusuke Shingaki
Cadis Etrama di Raizel (voice)
Kent Ito
M-18 (voice)
Takuma Nagatsuka
Manabu Kaze (voice)
Madoka Yonezawa
Emi Iwata (voice)
Teruyuki Tanzawa
M-24 (voice)
Yuichi Karasuma
Man A (voice)
Hisafumi Oda
M-21 (voice)

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