Horror Sci-Fi
Fifteen years after his father's experiments with matter transmission fail, Philippe Delambre and his uncle François attempt to create a matter transmission device on their own. However, their experiments have disastrous results, turning Philippe into a horrible half-man, half-fly creature.
Directed by
Edward Bernds
Written by
Edward Bernds
Vincent Price
Francois Delambre
Brett Halsey
Philippe Delambre
Danielle De Metz
Cecile Bonnard
Dan Seymour
Max Berthold
Michael Mark
Gaston (watchman)
Barry Bernard
Lt. MacLish
John Sutton
Insp. Beecham
David Frankham
Ronald Holmes, alias Alan Hinds
Gregg Martell
Pat O'Hara
Insp. Evans
Jack Daly
Granville (reporter)
Janine Grandel
Mme. Bonnard
Richard Flato
Sgt. Dubois
Francisco Villalobos
Joan Cotton

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