Drama Fantasy Romance
A modern-day take on the "Beauty and the Beast" tale where a New York teen is transformed into a hideous monster in order to find true love.
Directed by
Daniel Barnz
Dakota Johnson
Sloan Hagen
Vanessa Hudgens
Lindy Taylor
Peter Krause
Rob Kingson
LisaGay Hamilton
Zola Davies
Alex Pettyfer
Kyle Kingson
Neil Patrick Harris
Will Fratalli
Erik Knudsen
Trey Madison
Julie Dretzin
Rob's Assistant
Roc LaFortune
Lindy's Father
Mary-Kate Olsen
Kendra Hilferty
David Francis
Dr. Davis
Jason Cavalier
Jonathan Dubsky
Student at Green Party
Karl Graboshas
Male Teacher
Steve Godin
Rhiannon Moller-Trotter
Halloween Partygoer
Justin Bradley
Gio Perez
Victor Barrel
Miguel Mendoza
Victor's Brother
Mia Doran
Student (uncredited)
Devin Mroz
Student (uncredited)
Cristina Franco
Shopper (uncredited)
Kevin Kelsall
Marc Moisan
Mary-Pier Gaudet
Éric Goulet

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