Crime Drama Action
Jackie Pruit is the girlfriend of notorious gangster Joe Bomposa. When it looks as if Bomposa's goons are threatening Jackie's life, the FBI moves in to protect her, hoping that she'll have incriminating evidence. Veteran agent Charlie Congers is assigned to watch over Jackie, and while it soon becomes apparent that she knows almost nothing about Bomposa that would be of any use to the FBI, he falls in love with her. Bomposa decides it would be more convenient to have Jackie out of the way, ordering her to be executed. Bomposa's henchmen slip through FBI security and murder her, but now they have to answer the angry and vengeful Congers.
Directed by
Stuart Rosenberg
Written by
John Melson, Wendell Mayes, John Crowther
Charles Bronson
Charlie Congers
Strother Martin
Louis Monk
Jill Ireland
Jackie Pruit
Michael V. Gazzo
Rod Steiger
Joe Bomposa
John Hallam
Henry Silva
Vittorio Farroni
Andy Romano
FBI Agent Marty
Paul Koslo
Billy Gray
Officer Durant
Albert Salmi
Andy Minton
Richard Graydon
Bradford Dillman
Jim Brickman
Lorraine Chase
Vittorio's Girlfriend
Jerome Thor
James Keane
Val Avery
Robin Clarke
FBI Agent George
J. Kenneth Campbell
Newscaster (uncredited)
Charles Lucia
Phoenix Police Detective (uncredited)
Alex Donnelley
Phoenix Diner Waitress (uncredited)
Sam Chew Jr.
Sam Cook
Joseph Roman
Sidney Kean
Earl W. Smith
Telephone Repairman (uncredited)
Clifford A. Pellow
Police Captain (uncredited)

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