Comedy Crime Action
After being convicted for fraud, one month has passed since Choi Chang-Hyuk's release from jail. But this time around he's got an elaborate plan cooked up. It's the biggest bank heist in history that'll make any thief have a wet dream. The best five thieves come together to form a team.
Directed by
Choi Dong-hoon
Kim Sang-ho
Kim Yun-seok
Detective Lee
Yum Jung-ah
Seo In-kyung
Park Won-sang
Yu Seon
Jung In-sook
Lee Moon-sik
Big Mouth
Cheon Ho-jin
Squad Leader Cha
Son Ji-na
Jo Kyung-ran
Baek Yoon-sik
Master Kim
Im Ha-ryong
Mr. Seo
Jo Hee-bong
Detective Park
Park Shin-yang
Choi Chang-hyuk
Son Byeong-uk
Detective Kim

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