Animation Romance
"Fuyu no Chikai, Natsu no Matsuri - Takeoshi no Dai-Kusunoki" is set in the city of Takeoshi, and will center on two characters, a boy and a girl, who grow up watched over by a large camphor tree that endures the time and seasons. It will star Nao Tōyama as Rinko Yamaguchi, and Nobunaga Shimazaki as Sōta.
Directed by
Junji Nishimura
Written by
Akiko Waba
Saori Hayami
Nao Akino (voice)
Kaori Nazuka
Natsuki (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Shunta (voice)
Nao Toyama
Rinko Yamaguchi (voice)
Atsushi Abe
Kaito (voice)

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