Animation Adventure Family Fantasy
After a boy is shipwrecked on a deserted island, he finds a pink egg which hatches into the pink dragon (referred to as a dinosaur in the English-language theme song) named Serendipity. A feature-length compilation of the 26 episode Nippon TV series.
Directed by
Toyo Ebishima, Yoshuikuni Nishi
Written by
Sumiko Nakao, Tsunehisa Ito
Michiko Nomura
Kōna (voice)
Kei Tomiyama
Prime Minister Dolf (voice)
Rihoko Yoshida
Minta (voice)
Noriko Tsukase
Akanatsu the Fruit Spirit (voice)
Yuji Mitsuya
Pira-Pira (voice)
Kosei Tomita
Captain Smudge (voice)
Mari Okamoto
Serendipity (voice)
Yukiko Nashiwa
Princess Laura (voice)
Shigeo Takahashi

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