Comedy Romance TV Movie
Widowers Amos and Ben plot to romantically unite Amos' daughter Luiss and Ben's son Matt by pretending to feud and forbidding the teens to associate, knowing they will resist their fathers' interference. As the two youngsters fall in love, the fathers plot to end the 'feud' by hiring a traveling showman to fake an abduction and allow Matt to 'rescue' Luisa.
Directed by
George Schaefer
Written by
Robert Hartung, Tom Jones, Edmond Rostand
Ricardo Montalban
El Gallo
Bert Lahr
Ben Hucklebee
Stanley Holloway
Amos Babcock Bellamy
John Davidson
Matt Hucklebee
Tom Jones
Susan Watson
Luisa Bellamy
Lee Vines
Announcer (uncredited)

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