Action Animation Family
Barbie and her best friends Teresa and Renee transform from hard-working gymnasts to undercover secret agents. When their amazing gymnastics skills catch the eye of a top-secret spy agency, the girls are soon following clues to a gem-stealing cat burglar, using high-tech gadgets, glam disguises and cute robo-pets to save the day.
Directed by
Conrad Helten
Written by
Marsha Griffin, Kacey Arnold
Erica Lindbeck
Barbie (voice)
Ian Hanlin
Lazlo (voice)
Cathy Weseluck
Aunt Zoe (voice)
Brian Dobson
Agent Dunbar / Announcer / Head Chef (voice)
Jonathan Holmes
Percy (voice)
Rebecca Husain
Patricia (voice)
Stephanie Sheh
Renee (voice)
Jenny Pellicer
Teresa (voice)
Alyssya Swales
Chelsea (voice)
Elizabeth Irving
Mila (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Violet / Alarm (voice)

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