Comedy Crime
Vanheden and Dynamite-Harry are approached by Sickan's grandmother and Sickan's younger brother Sven-Ingvar. Their evil nemesis Wall-Enberg are planning to steal billions of euros of the European Union's grants to culture. The grant of 350 million kronor, paid by an Italian bank acting as intermediary, equals 60 billion lire but through assistance of a Sicilian "businessman", this sum becomes 60 billion kronor when transferred. The money is to be transferred to a large number of bank accounts, and the account numbers are saved on a floppy disc that the Jönsson gang is trying to steal.
Directed by
Thomas Ryberger
Björn Gustafson
Birgitta Andersson
Niklas Falk
The Head waiter
Helge Skoog
Manager of the Royal Opera
Sussie Eriksson
Clerk in flower shop
Weiron Holmberg
Biffen Johansson
Ola Forssmed
Johan Ulveson
Sven-Ingvar "Sivan" Jönsson
Margreth Weivers
Grandma Jönsson
Hans Wiklund
Dan Ekborg
Johan Rabaeus
Ulf Brunnberg
Ragnar Vanheden
Jonas Uddenmyr
Prison guard
Rolf Skoglund
Per Grundén
Ulf Larsson
Ulf Larsson
Lars-Åke Wilhelmsson
Henriette Indahl
The Soprano
Bert Grodin
Mikael Ryberger
Night guard
Toni Wilkens
Clerk in music store

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