Action Crime Drama Thriller
Long before he became producer/director of The Tonight Show, Fred DeCordova helmed the Universal meller Illegal Entry. Howard Duff, who later worked with DeCordova on the TV series Mr. Adams and Eve, stars as Bert Powers, an undercover agent for the U.S. Department of Immigration. While attempting to bring a vicious gang of alien smugglers to justice, Powers falls in love with Anna Duvak (Marta Toren), a gang member who is Not What She Seems.
Directed by
Frederick de Cordova
Howard Duff
Bert Powers
Anthony Caruso
Paul Stewart
Zack Richards
George Brent
Chief Agent Dan Collins
Robert Osterloh
Agent Crowthers
Donna Martell
Märta Torén
Anna Duvak O'Neill
Tom Tully
Nick Gruber
James Nolan
Agent Benson
Clifton Young
Billy Rafferty
David Clarke
Richard Rober
Dutch Lempo
Joseph Vitale
Joe Bottsy
Gar Moore
Lee Sloan

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