Drama History Romance
Based on the novel by Hervey Allen, this expansive drama follows the many adventures of the eponymous hero, Anthony Adverse. Abandoned at a convent by his heartless nobleman father, Don Luis, Anthony is later mentored by his kind grandfather, John Bonnyfeather, and falls for the beautiful Angela Giuseppe. When circumstances separate Anthony and Angela and he embarks on a long journey, he must find his way back to her, no matter what the cost.
Directed by
Mervyn LeRoy
Clara Blandick
Mrs. Jorham
Claude Rains
Marquis Don Luis
Fredric March
Anthony Adverse
Akim Tamiroff
Carlo Cibo
Edmund Gwenn
John Bonnyfeather
Donald Woods
Vincent Nolte
Frank Reicher
Coachman to Paris
Bess Flowers
Rafaela Ottiano
Signora Bovino
Anita Louise
Louis Hayward
Denis Moore
Leonard Mudie
De Bourrienne
Olivia de Havilland
Angela Guiseppe
Eily Malyon
Mother Superior
Gale Sondergaard
Faith Paleologus
Martín Garralaga
Scotty Beckett
Anthony's Son
Addison Richards
Capt. Matanaza
Fritz Leiber
Walter Kingsford
Luis Alberni
Tony Guisseppi
Grace Stafford
Ralph Morgan
Joseph Crehan
Capt. Elisha Jorham
Harry Semels
Lottery Celebrant
Zeffie Tilbury
Old Woman at Chalet
Steffi Duna
J. Carrol Naish
Major Doumet
Joan Woodbury
Half-Caste Dancing Girl
Ottola Nesmith
Sister Ursula
Mathilde Comont
Cook Guisseppi
Fred Malatesta
Brenda Fowler
Midwife at Anthony's Birth
Mitchell Lewis
White Man Whipping Slave
Billy Mauch
Young Anthony Adverse
Rollo Lloyd
Napoleon Bonaparte
Marjorie Gateson
George E. Stone
Henry O'Neill
Father Xavier
Carrie Daumery
Lady at Ball
Marilyn Knowlden
Florence Udney
Pedro de Cordoba
Brother Francois
Jean De Briac
William Ricciardi
Coachman to Leghorn
Lal Chand Mehra
Guy D'Ennery
Vivian Tobin
Lady at Ball
Paul Sotoff
Martin Turner
Carriage Driver

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