Crime Drama
Two lovers, Nikki and Al, have a scam in which Nikki allows herself to be picked up by older men, drugs them, and, with Al's help, robs them. After accidentally killing one of her victims with an overdose, Nikki and Al are on the run.
Directed by
Bill Bennett
Written by
Bill Bennett
Barry Otto
Adler Jones
Frances O'Connor
Nikki Davies
Max Cullen
Matt Day
Al Fletcher
Chris Haywood
Detective Hummer
Eliza Lovell
Syd Brisbane
Nikki's Father
Barry Langrishe
Zipper Doyle
Andrew S. Gilbert
Detective Crean
Tiffany Peters
Young Nikki
Julie Sobotta
Nikki's Mother
Geoff Revell
Paul Nathan
Liz Windsor
Medical Examiner
Jordan Weldon-Iley
Young Boy
Carmel Johnson
Hotel Regency Maid
Jennifer Cluff

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