Drama Horror Romance
Ravi and Masha are just children when they were sold into labour by their parents. When they meet, friendship blossoms between them but when the factory manager threatens to sell Masha, possibly into sex slavery, Ravi gives up his hard earned savings to buy her freedom. They agree on a way to find each other once Ravi has earned enough money to buy his freedom but a series of misunderstandings and fear tear them apart. Though they now have their freedom in life, they have to find their way in love.
Directed by
Florian Gallenberger
Irrfan Khan
Tillotama Shome
Soumitra Chatterjee
Ravi (Old)
Barun Chakraborty
Prashant Narayanan
Ravi (Adult)
Tannishtha Chatterjee
Masha (Adult)
Sova Sen
Masha (old)
Satya Banerjee
Tumpa Das
Masha (young) / Sati
Sikandar Agarwal
Ravi (young)
Biplab Dasgupta
Factory Manager

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