Mystery Comedy Crime TV Movie
In the midst of a spat, film critic Terry Thorpe accidentally kills his lover. Though Thorpe covers his tracks, he raises the suspicions of a private investigator, who then tries to blackmail him. Thorpe also falls under the watchful eye of Detective Fred Stapelli, a cop who is intent on becoming a screenwriter. Before long, Thorpe's girlfriend, Kit, and Stapelli's wife, Patricia, are roped into the case.
Directed by
Steven Schachter
Written by
Steven Schachter, William H. Macy
James Cromwell
John Edgarson
William H. Macy
Terry Thorpe
Julia Campbell
Patricia Stapelli
Adam Arkin
Detective Fred Stapelli
Felicity Huffman
Kit Wannamaker
Vik Sahay
Vincent Pastore
James Pickens Jr.
Detective Larry Gray
Paul Mazursky
John Brant
Stephanie Belding
Laura Penny
Robin Ward
Anchor Lance
Raven Dauda
Bar Waitress
Vito Rezza
Captain O'Donnell
Len Doncheff
Mr. Petrovsky
Michael McMurtry
Wenna Shaw
Brant's Assistant
Tanja Jacobs
Bank Teller
Sandi Stahlbrand
Anchor Jane
Marilo Nunez
Production Assistant
Tricia Williams
Uniform Cop
Robbi Jay Thuet
Young Girl

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