Drama Romance
On a Caribbean island, a rich landowner's son, Maxwell Fleury, is fighting for political office against black labor leader David Boyeur. As if the contentious election weren't enough, there are plenty of scandals to go around: Boyeur has a secret white lover and Fleury's wife, Sylvia, is also having an affair. And then, of course, there's the small matter of a recently murdered aristocrat.
Directed by
Robert Rossen
Written by
Alfred Hayes
Harry Belafonte
David Boyeur
Joan Collins
Jocelyn Fleury
James Mason
Maxwell Fleury
John Williams
Colonel Whittingham
Patricia Owens
Sylvia Fleury
Michael Rennie
Hilary Carson
Joan Fontaine
Mavis Norman
John Justin
Denis Archer
Stephen Boyd
Euan Templeton
Dorothy Dandridge
Margot Seaton
Diana Wynyard
Mrs. Fleury
Hartley Power
Ronald Squire
Governor Templeton
Basil Sydney
Julian Fleury
Barbara Upton
Colonel's Secretary

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