Drama Comedy Romance
After being thrown away from home, pregnant high school dropout Maria meets Matthew, a highly educated and extremely moody electronics repairman. The two begin an unusual romance built on their sense of mutual admiration and trust.
Directed by
Hal Hartley
Written by
Hal Hartley
Edie Falco
Peg Coughlin
Martin Donovan
Matthew Slaughter
Tom Thon
Deli Man
Matt Malloy
Adrienne Shelly
Maria Coughlin
Bill Sage
John Bill
Karen Sillas
Nurse Paine
Nick Gomez
John McCafferty
Mr. Santiago (as John St. James)
Christopher Cooke
Diner Guy
Jeff Howard
Pamela Stewart
Mrs. Blech
Mark Chandler Bailey
Bruce (as M.C. Bailey)
Rebecca Nelson
Jean Coughlin (as Merritt Nelson)
John MacKay
Jim Slaughter
Gary Sauer
Suzanne Costollos
Hannah Sullivan
Ruark Boss (as Patricia Sullivan)
Marko Hunt
John Coughlin
Kathryn Mederos
Factory Woman
Julie Kessler
Biker Mom (as Julie Sukman)
Robby Anderson
Joey Blech
Bea Delizio
Woman on Couch
Tamu Favorite
Leo Gosse
Uncle Leo
Elizabeth Gouse
Grace Blech
Mildred Jones
Nurse #2
Pathena Parish
Factory Girl
Scott Robinson
Nena Segal
Aunt Fay
Jean Kay Sifford
Chris Buck
Sarah Vogel

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