Adventure Thriller Drama
When selfish and arrogant millionaire Donald Carson fractures his leg during a desert vacation, his wife, Geraldine, leaves with their friend Joseph Duncan to supposedly get help. However, the two of them are really lovers who are leaving Carson to die in the heat. Slowly, Carson realizes he is on his own and vows revenge on the traitorous couple. Having had a privileged life, Carson must now use his wits to stay alive.
Directed by
Roy Ward Baker
Written by
Francis M. Cockrell
Rhonda Fleming
Geraldine Carson
Robert Ryan
Donald Whitley Carson III
Barbara Pepper
Waitress (uncredited)
William Lundigan
Joseph Duncan
Carl Betz
Lt. Mike Platt
Henry Hull
Sam Elby
Robert Burton
Robert Adler
Ken - Ranch Hand (uncredited)
Dan White
Lee - Ranch Hand (uncredited)
Harry Carter
Deputy Fred Parks (uncredited)
Larry Keating
Dave Emory
Charles Tannen
Police Radio Broadcaster (uncredited)
Everett Glass
Mason (uncredited)
Adrienne Marden
Emory's Secretary (uncredited)
Charles J. Conrad
James Gonzalez
Hotel Guest (uncredited)

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