Drama Romance
Jun arrives in Hong Kong from mainland China, hoping to be able to earn enough money to marry his girlfriend back home. He meets the streetwise Qiao and they become friends. As friendship turns into love, problems develop, and although they seem meant for each other they somehow keep missing out.
Directed by
Peter Ho-Sun Chan
Written by
Ivy Ho
Maggie Cheung
Lee Kiu
Kristy Yang
Fong Siu Ting
Eric Tsang
Au Yeung Pao
Leon Lai
Lai Siu Gwan
Crystal Suen Ah-Lei
English School Student
Baat Leung-Gam
Irene Tsu
Rosie Li
Joe Cheung Tung-cho
Ding Yue
Michelle Gabriel
Crystal Chan
Cabbage's Manager
Yu Ting
Heather Traber
U.S. Immigration Officer
Len Berdick
U.S. Immigration Officer
Robin Gold
U.S. Immigration Officer
Chi Ming Woo
Man in Queue for Flat
Yeung Ting
Wife in Queue for Flat
Pui-jing Ding
English School Student

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