Drama Thriller
Jennifer (Alicia Silverstone) is a lovely teen who has been hired to baby-sit the kids of Harry Tucker (J.T. Walsh) and his wife, Dolly (Lee Garlington). The Tuckers go to a party and proceed to get inebriated, with Mr. Tucker fantasizing about his beautiful baby sitter. Meanwhile, Jack (Jeremy London), her boyfriend, and Mark (Nicky Katt), another guy interested in her, decide to spy on Jennifer at the Tucker house, with each young man also fixated on her.
Directed by
Guy Ferland
Alicia Silverstone
Nicky Katt
Mark Holsten
Lois Chiles
Bernice Holsten
Jeremy London
J.T. Walsh
Harry Tucker
George Segal
Bill Holsten
Lee Garlington
Dolly Tucker
Matthew Kimbrough
Large man
Jane Alden
Ryan Slater
Jimmy Tucker
Cameron Fuller
Tucker baby
Tuesday Knight
Noel Evangelisti
Michael Chieffo
Young man
Eric Menyuk
Brittany English Stephens
Hal Fort Atkinson
Police detective
Monty Silverstone
British party guest

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