War Drama Comedy Romance
Alexey Titarenko is very talented pilot and brave leader of "Singing group". He also must look after some new cadets and fight together with them against German Luftwaffe planes. Close to Alexey always are his friends, they are all from different parts of the country, but they all became real brothers.
Directed by
Leonid Bykov
Written by
Leonid Bykov, Aleksandr Satsky, Yevgeni Onopriyenko
Viktor Miroshnichenko
Major Ivan Ermakov, Regiment Commander
Vilori Pashchenko
Anatolii Yurchenko
Volodymyr Talashko
Senior Lieutenant Sergey Skvortsov
Olga Mateshko
Captain Zoya Molchanova
Valentin Grudinin
Yuriy Sarantsev
Vasily Vasilievich, Air Division Commander
Aleksei Smirnov
Mechanic Makarych
Sergei Ivanov
Lieutenant "Grasshopper" Alexandrov
Yevgeniya Simonova
Masha Popova
Serhiy Pidhornyi
Viktor “Smuglyanka” Shchedronov
Viktor Stepanenko
Valentyn Makarov
Regiment Chief of Staff
Aleksandr Milyutin
1st Squadron Pilot
Leonid Bykov
Captain Alexey “Maestro” Titarenko
Gregory Hlady
Technician Alexandrova
Leonid Marchenko
Petya Savchuk, Pilot of the 1st Squadron
Vano Yantbelidze
Lieutenant Vano Kobakhidze
Rustam Sagdullaev
Lieutenant "Romeo" Sagdullayev
Vladimir Volkov
Party Organization Secretary
Alim Fedorinsky
Dmitriy Mirgorodskiy
Infantry Battalion
Oleksandr Nemchenko
Ivan Fedorovich
Boris Boldyrevsky
Mechanic Sagdullaev
Ivan Reutov
Mechanic Sergey Skvortsov
Vladimir Brodsky

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