Adventure Drama Family
English vicar Dr. Syn becomes a scarecrow on horseback by night to thwart King George III's taxmen.
Directed by
James Neilson
Patrick McGoohan
Dr. Christopher Syn / The Scarecrow
George Cole
Mr. Sexton Mipps / Hellspite
Percy Herbert
Dover Castle Jailer
Bruce Seton
Kay Walsh
Mrs. Waggett
David Buck
Harry Banks
Michael Hordern
Squire Thomas Banks
Geoffrey Keen
General Pugh
Tony Britton
Simon Bates
Patrick Wymark
Joseph Ransley
Robert Brown
Sam Farley
Alan Dobie
Mr. Frank Fragg - Prosecutor
Eric Pohlmann
King George III
Sean Scully
John Banks / The Curlew
Elsie Wagstaff
Mrs. Ransley
Eric Flynn
Lt. Philip Brackenbury
Richard O'Sullivan
George Ransley
Jill Curzon
Katharine Banks
Mark Dignam
The Bishop
Gordon Gostelow
Allan McClelland
2nd Jailer
Simon Lack
Dragoon Corporal
Russell Thorndike
Terry Gilkyson

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