Drama Music TV Movie
British filmmaker Simon Cellan Jones directs the BBC drama Eroica, starring Ian Hart as Ludwig van Beethoven. Shot on digital video, this TV film depicts the first performance of Beethoven's Third Symphony, June 9th, 1804, in Vienna, Austria. Prince Lobkowitz (Jack Davenport) has invited friends to listen to Beethoven conduct his new symphony for the first time. Among the aristocratic attendees are Count Dietrichstein (Tim Pigott-Smith), Countess Brunsvik (Claire Skinner), and composer Josef Haydn (Frank Finlay). The actual musical score is performed by the Orchestre Revolutionaire et Romantique, under the direction of John Eliot Gardiner.
Directed by
Simon Cellan Jones
Jonathan Aris
Paul Dorfmueller
Joseph Morgan
Anton Lesser
Claire Skinner
Josephine Deym
Ian Hart
Ludwig van Beethoven
Jack Davenport
Prince Lobkowitz
Robert Glenister
Frank Finlay
Josef Haydn
Fenella Woolgar
Princess Marie Lobkowitz
Lucy Akhurst
Therese Brunsvik
Trevor Cooper
Otto Fisher
Tim Pigott-Smith
Count Dietrichstein
Leo Bill
Victoria Shalet
Celina Liesegang
Jacob Engelberg
Ian Thompson
Albrecht Dorfmeuller

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