Action Crime Drama Mystery Thriller
Roger Quain, escorting two zoo-bound black panthers on the train from Milan to Paris, is unaware that a Western agent, Catherine Ullven, has hidden a microfilm in the collar of one of the animals. But when the train is derailed in the Swiss Alps and the panthers escape, she is forced to involve him in her mission, which now includes enemy agents hunting the microfilm, the animals, Catherine and Roger. Corrected from an original submission by Guy Bellinger.
Directed by
George Sherman
Robert Douglas
Stephen Paradou
Howard Duff
Steve Quain
Märta Torén
Catherine Ullven
Kurt Kreuger
Captain Heimer
Philip Dorn
Paul Kopel
Ivan Triesault
Walter Slezak
Doctor Stahl
Philip Friend
Chris Denson
Otto Waldis
Aram Katcher
Jack Chefe
Carl Milletaire
Ticket Clerk
Jay Barney
Antonio Filauri
Telegraph Clerk
Carmela Restivo
Old Italian Woman on Train
Carlo Tricoli
Old Italian Man on Train
Rudy Silva
Young Italian Man at Ristorante
Betty Greco
Young Italian Woman at Ristorante
Peter Ortiz
Peter Applequist
John Austin

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