Comedy Fantasy Horror
The Emperor's mismanagement of his country is provoking some in his court to plot to overthrow him. He feels successful, at least, when he discovers the legendary Golem, which he believes can protect him and even cure his imaginary illnesses but, when he disappears while on a bender, his kindly baker, who looks just like him, is mistaken for him, and begins to put things in order. However, the conspirators, not to be outdone, determine to bring the Golem back to life to do their bidding.
Directed by
Martin Frič
Václav Trégl
The Emperor's Servant
Josef Kemr
The Atom-Splitting Alchemist
František Filipovský
Court Astrologer
Theodor Pištěk
Jiří Plachý
Edward Kelley
Miloš Nedbal
Court Physician
Ota Motyčka
Zdeněk Štěpánek
Marshal Russworm
Bohuš Záhorský
Miloš Kopecký
An Alchemist
Bohumil Bezouška
Artist Hans von Aachen
Jan Werich
Emperor Rudolf II / Matheus Kotrba, The Baker
Nataša Gollová
Katerina aka Sirael
Josef Hlinomaz
Lubomír Lipský
An Alchemist
František Černý
Hieroným Alessandro Scotta, alchemist
Magda Kopřivová
Alois Dvorský
Man Outside Bakery
Fanda Mrázek
Marie Vášová
Countess Katharina Strada
Vladimír Leraus
Hungarian Delegate
Bohuš Hradil
Tycho de Brahe
Marie Nademlejnská
Woman Outside Bakery
Felix le Breux
Eliška Kuchařová
The Gardener
Jan S. Kolár
An Alchemist
František Holar
Captain of the Guard
Vladimír Řepa
Miroslav Svoboda
Master of Ceremonies
Jana Werichová
František Miroslav Doubrava
Second Barber
Jindřich Doležal
Josef Oliak
Eva Jiroušková
Antonín Soukup
A Baker
Václav Švec
Antonín Jirsa
Doctor's Aide
Martin Raus
Servant With Vase
Emanuel Kovařík
Court Chamberlain
Hynek Němec
Anna Pitašová
Second Handmaiden
Jana Svobodová
Dagmar Moulíková
Ida Zázvorková
Věra Waldhansová
Viktor Pejsar

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