Drama Mystery Thriller
A hardened New Orleans cop, Dave Robicheaux, finally tosses in the badge and settles into life on the bayou with his wife. But a bizarre plane crash draws him back into the fray when his family is viciously threatened.
Directed by
Phil Joanou
Eric Roberts
Bubba Rocque
Alec Baldwin
Dave Robicheaux
Teri Hatcher
Claudette Rocque
Paul Guilfoyle
Det. Magelli
Anne Schedeen
Jungle Room Patron
Vondie Curtis-Hall
Minos P. Dautrieve
Kelly Lynch
Annie Robicheaux
Mary Stuart Masterson
Robin Gaddis
Don Stark
Eddie Keats
Tuck Milligan
Jerry Falgout
Joe Viterelli
Didi Giancano
Socorro Santiago
Spanish Nun
Badja Djola
Hawthorne James
Victor Romero
Christoph Krisea
Samantha Lagpacan
Carl A. McGee
Connie Whittemore
Michael Alan Kahn

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